Sunday, April 24, 2011


       I can't stop thinking about the incredible forgiveness that this man has for the teenager who killed his pregnant wife and two children because he was drinking and driving. The way the man turned to the Savior instead of to bitterness is truly inspiring. We saw this video in Sunday School at church yesterday and one of the other guys in the class knows the 17-year-old who caused the crash. That makes it very real that though he was the cause, he's still a person. We discussed that by forgiving the teen, the man opened the door to the teen being able to repent and turn his life around and move forward. In the video, the man told the teen to pick a day and forget it all happened, to move on from it. He really doesn't want him to suffer any more. That is so noble. However, I was thinking that the boy's grief is just beginning. Once he falls in love, gets married and has children, he'll understand just what that loss meant to the other man. It would be a hard cross to bear. But with the help of Jesus Christ and His Atonement, he really can find relief and solace and forgiveness, even from such a severe mistake as this, just as we can all receive forgiveness for our mistakes. As an outreach coordinator for a traffic safety program, this message is especially close to home, since I promote safe driving all day, but this is a profound message of forgiveness and love that extends far beyond the story of just these two families and can be applied to us all.

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