Sunday, May 29, 2011

Today I had some extra time and started to unfriend people on Facebook who I hadn't talked to in awhile. The first person I went to u add turns out to have died last September. How very sad. He's someone I had gone out with like one time, we went running, per my request, because I was training for a race. I remember how happy he was afterward and said how good he felt to run and how he'd never run that far in his life. Anyway, it just makes me think how I would have never have known what happened to him, had it not been for social media. I probably wouldn't even have thought about him. It's weird to think about what happens to people. You meet someone and lose touch, they go on their way, and things happen to them and they feel things and they hurt and they're happy, and they even die, and you never know.

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