Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Not Just Another Book

I watched a little bit of the Tony awards a few weeks back and watched the jokes flying around about the Mormons and the Book of Mormon and our faith, due to the hit broadway play that was winning everything, "The Book of Mormon". It made me sad to hear the MC's jokes and the audiences laughter because I cherish my faith so much, but more than anything, it made me sad because I knew the people were laughing because they don't understand. I used to not understand as I spent several years passively half way in and half way out of the church. That was a hard time. The hardest time of my life. There was nothing in my life to make it so sad and hard, I can't claim anything, except that I wasn't utilizing what was right at my fingertips, and that's the happiness that the gospel brings. I know some people could read this and think negative things towards what I'm writing. I know that because people sometimes think negative things about what I say regarding this same topic. But all it is is a message of joy and truth and love. It's the kind of thing that makes life more than just a timeframe that we pass because we have to, but a journey of progression to a destination. It's knowing that someone greater than ourselves made us and loves us and knows us and has plans for us. This is what I learned once I started reading the Book of Mormon again after years of letting it sit on the shelf. After years of trying to direct my own life and watching that blow up in flames, feeling the burn every day. The sad part is that as much as I suffered and felt that pain blatantly, I didn't ever think, "Well maybe I could fix this. Just maybe this is because of my actions." This was during middle and high school when I was a person with no plans, no aspirations, no hope in anything. Now I'm a person who wants to experience and do everything, become the best I can be. A complete shift from that lost, hurting, confused person I once was. With the Book of Mormon, sometimes I just open the book and can feel the power. I feel it. Those words, written by prophets inspired by God himself, have helped me beyond the ability to describe. Have helped billions. On my mission, I remember seeing people transformed after reading those sacred words. I got so excited because I understood. One time we were getting on a train and shared some verses with a woman we chatted with every morning as we waited for the train. I watched her change as we shared those words, the tears fall, the light come into her face. It's a true book. The words are true. That means that there is a God, a Savior, a true church, hope. It means everything.

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